Thursday, August 10, 2006

Slow day

Girl Scout Friendship squeeze

I haven't done much today except check email and look for encouragement ideas for moms in touch and flyer ideas for PTA. Then we played Yahtzee which was a lot of fun. Girl Scout meeting was at 7 pm. We all voted to move it up to 6 pm in the fall. All the girls got certificates - Jamie's was for being an attentive listener. Mine was for being a VIP - Very Important Parent - I love it! We have more patches to iron on her brownie vest now - early bird and around the world I think. We found some brown pants and a brown shirt with gold sparkles on it to wear with her vest for Thursday night meetings. Jamie said she now needs brown socks and shoes. I am not very fashionable but we do like to have our colors matching. She made me wear brown pants too. Talked to my family on the new "cell" phone my niece brought me as a surprise so I can talk to Richmond family members every day at no cost. Mom updated me on the parking lot paving job going on at her building. That was our exciting day. It was cooler today but we didn't venture out much.


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