Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oreo cookies and cream cheesecake

I have a friend who follows a blog called 52 cupcakes . . the lady makes tons of cupcakes. Go check it out! (Ok I just looked and she is doing graphic Halloween stuff - so be warned! Sorry - go back a few days/weeks.) She is now using Martha Stewart's 175 cupcakes and posts pictures and recipes. I'm inspired. I've tried a few different things but they don't always turn out; I'll keep trying. I want to earn a badge for this hobby. haha This is so awesome. Jamie helped me make the oreo cookies and cream cheesecakes today. She beat the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and eggs. She let me crush the cookies - big mess (and clean up). Jamie rated them about a 4 and I rated them about an 8. We like the fact that the oreo cookies get soft. I'll be hurting tomorrow but oh they were good tonight.


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