Thursday, August 12, 2010

Terra Toys

Our neighbor Julie really wanted to go to Terra Toys. (I had missed the fairy party this year but they have lots of fun activities all the time.) We got the directions and she helped guide me. They looked at all the erasers and other fun things. We almost made it to the checkout counter when they spotted the sunglasses. They had so much fun trying them on. I felt like a teenager again just watching them. I loved the butterfly glasses.

They also asked for a ton of white bags to color. Julie told us if you color and return 10 bags, you get a $1 item. Jamie picked the reading rocks bag to bring home. And guess what they did tonight: Julie asked if she could spend the night and she colored about 5 bags to Jamie's one - my little perfectionist. We also watched Home Alone (found the original on TV) and ate pizza and popcorn. I love summer! But James made them go to bed by midnight (nice try anyway). It takes us awhile to recover from these non-sleeping sleepovers.


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