Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Parties, Parties and more Parties

Last week I helped the classes paint the hands and feet of most of the kids in the daycare and we had a big Friendship Party at work on Thursday at noon with the teen moms and the mentoring moms. Then I drove straight to Jamie's school Valentines' Party. Only 8 out of 28 kids passed out card Valentines. (She made a Valentine box but we used it at home instead.) Most of the kids opted to bring a $5 gift and exchange it while Mrs. Fleming read a story full of left and right direction changes - there was lots of chocolate. Jamie traded a heart full of chocolate for a giant Hershey's kiss.

Friday I had training all day - computers in the morning and accreditation in the afternoon. We had a luncheon with all my coworkers to celebrate Black History Month with soul food; I made sweet potato casserole. Friday night we watched some of the Olympics Opening Ceremonies.

Saturday morning I got my hair done by Michelle. Saturday afternoon we went to Belle's 8th birthday party. Saturday night we went to a casino night sponsored by our Sunday School class. James won 2nd place (a Tshirt for Jamie).

Sunday we went to church and then attended a pizza party with our Sunday School class. Later that night we invited the cousins over to eat treats and play with the chocolate fondue pot. We played a few hands of UNO - pretty colors.

Monday we went to Aunt Teresa's house for Timmy's last minute birthday party and stayed for lunch and then a saxophone lesson. Monday night we went to Grandma Jacky's house for Uncle Charles' birthday dinner and Timmy's cake (since Charles is on a diet). It was a whirlwind weekend.

Tuesday night we went square dancing and I'm really tired so I'll try and post pictures another day or I'll never get any sleep.


At 11:03 PM, Blogger Teresa said...

Gotta love those pretty colors!


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