Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Fest/Haunted House

The 5th graders were in charge of planning the Haunted House this year. We originally said we could be ticket takers. Then while I was gone last week, Jamie signed up to be in the Haunted House itself. What? She thought if she was in it, she wouldn't be as scared. I signed up for the first shift so we could spend time with the cousins afterwards at the festival.
Grandma made Jamie a vampire outfit for her friend but Jamie decided to wear it first and then hand it off. She ended up hiding in a coffin in the first scene which was better than the bloody cafeteria scene they had her scheduled to be in. I stood in the dark graveyard and wished I was somewhere else. It was a long 30 minute shift. Glad that is over.

Anne is the shadows, but Jamie, Zach and Lucas' faces are shining in the light.

Zach makes a cute pumpkin. Teresa said I gave them this outfit many years ago. My sisters always gave us outfits for holidays (usually from Goodwill or Disney).

Lucas/Joseph wore his coat of many colors so it was easy to spot him as he ran from one game to the next.

He liked fishing - twice in one day! haha


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