Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Life moves on

Jamie decorated for James' birthday - all red and we wore red clothes on Sunday. We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. We finally made time to go. Later in the day, we went to a Cox dept picnic.

Monday was the book fair blizzard at school. We bought a ton of books. I took pictures of the winter display - to be posted later. We helped make the snowflakes with Angel's kids. We met with the gifted teacher. For literacy night, "I Love you Forever" was read aloud and I cried. We were up late and she keeps waking up in the night. Not enough sleep for mom lately.

Tuesday was a rough afternoon. Her blood pressure is down but she keeps complaining that her chest aches. We changed her medicine but she melted down and couldn't finish her homework.


At 6:11 AM, Blogger Gidget said...

We have been wanting to go to cracker barrel....but it's always so crowded.

I pray that Jamie gets her medicine straight...and she feels 100% soon.

I love you forever..I like you for long as your baby you'll be.
It's one of my favorite books!
Chris always jokes that I'm going to be like that old mother....climbing in her grown child's bedroom window to check on them.


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